Spy Girl Emma Peel 20 x 24 $3850
Richmond England Boats 24 x 24 $4250
Queen watching Parade 30 x 30 $3850
Princess Diana 24 x 30 $6680
Prince Charles 36 x 36 $7850
Pink Frosted Cake 24 x 16
Downton Abbey Dance 36 x 24 $4850
Wine and Pear 24 x 24
Lucerne on a Sunday 16 x 20 $2850
Berlin Fountain 16 x 20 $2400
Sea Society 20 x 24 $4850
Nude Swedish Man 18 x 20 NFS (I can make more)
Portrait of JKF 24 x 24 $4650
Malta Bass 1949 36 x 36 NFS
Malta Sax 1949 36 x 36 NFS
Lake Geneva town of Coppet 36 x 24 $4850
Three Dancers Geneva 18 x 24 $2850
Abstract Jazz 3/4 time 20 x 20 $2250
PInk Wedding Cake 24 x 18 $1800
Portrait Robert Palmer $4650
Ceremony by the sea 16 x 20 $2850
Ferry to Morcote 20 x 20 $2450
Lake Constance 24 x 18 $4250

Princess in Blue 20 x 24 $3850
Three Dancers Basel 24 x 18 $2850
Portrait Hugh Grant 36 x 24 (approx) $7850
Volodymyr Zelendkyy 36 x 24 (approx) $7850

Paris on a Rainy Day 20 x 24 (approx) $ 2850
Girl Playing Clair de Lune 20 x 18 (approx) $2850
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George Clooney NFS (Happy to paint him again.)

Little Pink Houses NFS
Lovers on Orient Express 24 x 20 NFS
Deauville Beach Scene NFS
Verena on Lake como 36 x 24 $5850 (ships within Europe)

Efrem Zimbalist Sr. and Alma Gluck $4250
Easter Sunday at Beach 24 x 18 $3850

Three Dancers Zurich 24 x 18 $2850

Herman Hesse $ 3850 (In Europe)

Flute Girl e 18 x 24 $ 2850
The Beginning 24 x 36 NFS
Emma Peel $2650

Julian Ovenden NFS
Imaginary Cats $ 1800
Poet's lawn NFS

Happy Birthday to my Muse NFS