Swiss Mystery - Novel
The Playboy, the Poet and the Spy - Novel
Palm Beach Busybodies - Script and Novel
Channeling Robert Palmer
Ghetto Pug (Miss Mopps) - Script
Girl Wisdom - Script and Novel
The Cowardly Spy - Script
Donna Dregs works as a writer,, restaurant critic, artist, and a yoga of which seem to pay on any regular basis.
Her works are largely comedic including spec scripts for tv and film: The Cowardly Spy; The Accidental Pet-sitters; Ghetto Pug; Girl Wisdom. She is about to launch a new comic mystery book, The Playboy, the Poet and the Spy. She loves to write about food, wine, fancy places and dogs. Yes, some cats slip into the stories, because every book needs an antagonist here and there.
Donna Drejza
WRITER, PAINTER, Creative Director
Swiss Mystery - Novel
The Playboy, the Poet and the Spy - Novel
Palm Beach Busybodies - Script and Novel
Channeling Robert Palmer
Ghetto Pug (Miss Mopps) - Script
Girl Wisdom - Script and Novel
The Cowardly Spy - Script